Monday, August 14, 2006

Splunking AOL, Orwell Awards & Hello Kitty

Paul Boutin has a great feature on Slate that illuminates users and search based on parsing data from the AOL logs with Splunk. It's called "You Are What You Search" and defines 7 ways people search the web. It's a must-read. I'm an 'Omnivore'. (The Pat Benetar reference hit a little too close to home.)

Paul's an Orwell fan (it's his cat's name) so I thought it only fitting to mention Arianna Huffington's Orwell Awards for "truth and lies in our political discourse." It's not nearly as good a read as Paul's article, but if you're following Connecticut politics and the Bush regime's response, it's amusing.

In other news, BoingBoing showcased the Hello Kitty Platinum Plus Visa. We've ordered one for Julia. With that and a pink iPod, she'll be set.

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