Help Me Get to the Olympics - Vote!

Friends & faithful readers, I need your help!
I'll make it easy for you...
Go here:
Register once with e-mail. Vote for me every day through November 29th.
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I voted for Sarah in the #blogathlete @Office contest. Please help send her to the Olympics! #VoteSarah
Blast it anywhere else you can think of:
Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Plaxo, Ryze, Orkut, etc... oh yeah and that e-mail thing.
Be thanked:
Here's the full scoop:
I'm really excited to be one of 5 semi-finalists in a very cool contest to win a trip to the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada in February, but I need your help to win - starting today!
Microsoft Office is sponsoring one woman blogger to attend, and on top of that, the winner gets a trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in January and a free laptop. I made it to the top five by submitting my blog about figure skating at BlogHer, the women bloggers' network, but I need help getting into the finals with public voting.
Voting started today and goes through November 29th. It requires a simple registration, then you can vote once a day every day through the 29th.
Click here to VOTE!
It just takes a few steps: Click on the tiny highlighted login text at the top of the page above the list of voters, and it will take you to a screen where you can enter your e-mail address and a password. Then after you're logged in, it will take you to back to the voting screen where you'll see my name at the bottom. Click on the "Vote for me!" button below my name and you're done. Until tomorrow. ;)
The top three vote-getters go to the final round where the judges then choose the winner. My goal is to get so many votes that I blow the others out of the water, so the judges have a clear decision in the final round.
Each person only gets 13 votes - one per day. If you would like to be on my daily reminders list, please drop me a line after you register and vote. Everyone on the daily list will receive Olympic fun facts and I promise I'll stop emailing the list on the 30th. Otherwise, I'll email you every so often with reminders as the contest progresses.
One last favor: if you're willing, please tell any of your friends who you think might take a few minutes to sign up and vote for me as well.
Direct link again to register and vote:
Thank you so very much for your help!
Labels: blogging, figure skating, media, sports, technology
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